TRIPLE SAVINGS AT HUNDREDS OF STORES!!!! Without using any clipped or printed coupons! Add coupons for EXTREME savings!
This is a quick and easy way to save even more at tons of stores like Walmart, Kmart, Target, Sears, etc.
1. Go to topcashback here and create an account.
2.Search for "Raise" Create an account using code ecopeland to save $5 on your first order
3.Search for the store you are going to be shopping at - I am using Kmart as an example - Right now they have a $50 gift card for $46.75. (Take an additional $5 off making it $41.75)
4.Go back to topcashback and search Kmart. Use your gift card to pay, which means you will receive $50 worth of product for $41.75 out of pocket!
5.Plus by using top cash back, you earned 2% on your raise gift card purchase plus up to 6% cashback for your Kmart Purchase! ($46.75 - $5=$41.75 plus 84cents cash back plus up to $3 cash back)
6.Add in coupons, points or any other deals there are currently and you've got a super sweet deal!!!!!
I recently discovered the amazing deals offered through shop your way and decided it is too exciting not to share. I have gotten several items FREE-$0 out of pocket, not a single penny! Other products FREE after points.
Read Here First for Beginning Tips
Figuring out how to Shop Your Way
I recently discovered the amazing deals offered through shop your way, Kmart, Sears and partners and decided it is too exciting not to share...
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